Installation & Quick start

Tags: Introduction


Prepare runtime environment

We recommend managing the runtime environment in a Python virtual environment. This guarantees proper separation of the system-wide installed Python and pip packages.

Python virtual environment

Make sure to use the right Python version (>= 3.7, <= 3.11), list all Python versions installed in your machine by running:

On Windows systems using PowerShell:

py --list

If no Python version is in the required range, you can download and install Python 3.7 or above using your system package manager or from

Prepare Python virtual environment: Create the virtual environment and install/update pip and build.

On Windows systems using PowerShell:


On Microsoft Windows, it may be required to enable the Activate.ps1 script by setting the execution policy for the user. You can do this by issuing the following PowerShell command:

PS C:> Set-ExecutionPolicy -ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned -Scope CurrentUser

See About Execution Policies for more information.

Make sure to specify the Python version you’re using. For example, for Python 3.8:

py -3.8 -m venv --clear .venv
& ".\.venv\Scripts\activate.ps1"
python -m pip install -U pip build

Install the ByteBlower Test Framework

First make sure that you have activated your virtual environment:

On Windows systems using PowerShell:

& ".\.venv\Scripts\activate.ps1"

Now install (or update) the ByteBlower Test Framework:

pip install -U byteblower-test-framework

The ByteBlower Test Framework and its dependencieswill now be installed from PyPI.

Example test scenario

To run your test using the command-line interface, define your test scenario in a file in JSON format.

Use one of these example scenarios to get started. Copy it to your working directory as byteblower_test_framework.json:


Make sure to update the example configuration to your actual test setup:

  • ByteBlower server host name or IP: server entry

  • ByteBlower Port configuration: interface and ipv4 / ipv6 / gateway / netmask / nat entries.

and for the Endpoint example, also change:

  • Meeting Point host name or IP: meeting_point entry

  • ByteBlower Endpoint configuration: uuid and ipv4 / ipv6 entries.

Run a test

The traffic test scenario can be run via command-line interface (either as a script or Python module), or integrated in your own Python script.

Command-line interface

Run a test with default input/output parameters


By default:

  • The configuration file (byteblower_test_framework.json) will be loaded from the current directory.

  • The resulting reports will also be saved into the current directory.

Take a look here for more details on using the Command-line interface.

From Python

The ByteBlower test framework can also be imported and used in Python as follows:

from byteblower_test_framework import run

# Show documentation

# Defining test configuration, report path and report file name prefix:

# Here you provide your test setup (ByteBlower server, ports, flows, ...),
# or load it from a JSON file
test_config = {}

# Optional: provide the path to the output folder, defaults to the current
# working directory
report_path = 'my-output-folder'

# Optional: provide prefix of the output files, defaults to 'report'
report_prefix = 'my-dut-feature-test'

# Run the traffic test:
run(test_config, report_path=report_path, report_prefix=report_prefix)

Define your own test scenario

Congratulations! You just ran your first traffic tests.

You want to define your own test scenarios? Great!

Have a look at Test scenario definition for a complete overview of the configuration format.