Installation & Quick start
ByteBlower Test Framework: ByteBlower ® is a traffic generator/analyser system for TCP/IP networks.
Prepare runtime environment
The ByteBlower Test Framework currently supports Python versions >= 3.7.
We recommend managing the runtime environment in a Python virtual environment. This guarantees proper separation of the system-wide installed Python and pip packages.
Important: Working directory
All the following sections expect that you first moved to your working directory where you want to run this project. You may also want to create your configuration files under a sub-directory of your choice.
On Windows systems using PowerShell:
cd 'c:\path\to\working\directory'
On Unix-based systems (Linux, WSL, macOS):
cd '/path/to/working/directory'
Python virtual environment
Make sure to use the right Python version (>= 3.7, <= 3.11), list all Python versions installed in your machine by running:
On Windows systems using PowerShell:
py --list
On Unix-based systems (Linux, WSL, macOS):
Use your distribution-specific tools to list the available Python versions.
If no Python version is in the required range, you can download and install Python 3.7 or above using your system package manager or from
Prepare Python virtual environment: Create the virtual environment
and install/update pip
and build
On Windows systems using PowerShell:
On Microsoft Windows, it may be required to enable the Activate.ps1 script by setting the execution policy for the user. You can do this by issuing the following PowerShell command:
PS C:> Set-ExecutionPolicy -ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned -Scope CurrentUserSee About Execution Policies for more information.
Make sure to specify the Python version you’re using. For example, for Python 3.8:
py -3.8 -m venv --clear .venv
& ".\.venv\Scripts\activate.ps1"
python -m pip install -U pip build
On Unix-based systems (Linux, WSL, macOS):
Mind the leading .
which means sourcing
python3 -m venv --clear .venv
. ./.venv/bin/activate
pip install -U pip build
Install the ByteBlower Low Latency Test Case
First make sure that you have activated your virtual environment:
On Windows systems using PowerShell:
& ".\.venv\Scripts\activate.ps1"
On Unix-based systems (Linux, WSL, macOS):
. ./.venv/bin/activate
Then install (or update) the Low Latency test case and its dependencies:
pip install -U byteblower-test-cases-low-latency
The Low Latency test case and its dependencies will now be installed from PyPI.
Example test scenario
To run your test using the command-line interface, define your test scenario
in a file in JSON
Use one of these example scenarios to get started.
Copy it to your working directory as low_latency.json
Using ByteBlower Ports
Using ByteBlower Endpoint
Make sure to update the example configuration to your actual test setup:
ByteBlower server host name or IP:
entryByteBlower Port configuration:
and for the Endpoint example, also change:
Meeting Point host name or IP:
entryByteBlower Endpoint configuration:
Run a test
The traffic test scenario can be run via command-line interface (either as a script or Python module), or integrated in your own Python script.
Command-line interface
Run a test with default input/output parameters
python -m byteblower.test_cases.low_latency
By default:
The configuration file (
) will be loaded from the current directory.The resulting reports will also be saved into the current directory.
Take a look here for more details on using the Command-line interface.
From Python
The Low Latency test case can also be imported and used in Python as follows:
from byteblower.test_cases.low_latency import run
# Show documentation
# Defining test configuration, report path and report file name prefix:
# Here you provide your test setup (ByteBlower server, ports, flows, ...),
# or load it from a JSON file
test_config = {}
# Optional: provide the path to the output folder, defaults to the current
# working directory
report_path = 'my-output-folder'
# Optional: provide prefix of the output files, defaults to 'report'
report_prefix = 'my-dut-feature-test'
# Run the traffic test:
run(test_config, report_path=report_path, report_prefix=report_prefix)
Define your own test scenario
Congratulations! You just ran your first traffic tests.
You want to define your own test scenarios? Great!
Have a look at Test scenario definition for a complete overview of the configuration format.