(*args, **kwargs)¶ Singleton class that is the entry point to start using the ByteBlower API.
Typically, this is the first class you will use when writing a ByteBlower test script. Use this class to connect to ByteBlower servers, to start or stop all configured ByteBlower ports across those servers, and to control the logging behavior.
Retrieve the singleton ByteBlower object using the static method
.This class contains some static convenience methods. They are wrappers around the corresponding non-static methods of the singleton object.
(*args, **kwargs)¶ Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.
()Returns the version of the API. DescriptionGet
(*args)Gets a textual description for the current object DestroyInstance
()Creates or returns the ByteBlower API singleton instance. MeetingPointAdd
(*args)Opens a connection to a MeetingPoint
and adds it to the current API instance.MeetingPointGet
()Returns all Meeting Point connections within this API instance. MeetingPointRemove
()Returns the parent object. PortsStart
(inPorts)Starts all traffic streams and application schedules on the specified ByteBlower ports. PortsStartAll
(inPorts)Stops all traffic streams and application schedules on the specified ByteBlower ports. PortsStopAll
()Retrieves the latest data from the server for this object. ResultsRefresh
(inResults)Refreshes multiple result objects. ScheduleGroupCreate
()Create a ScheduleGroup. ScheduleGroupGet
()Returns all existing ScheduleGroup. SchedulesStart
(inSchedules)Starts the specified schedulable objects. SchedulesStop
(inSchedules)Stops the specified schedulable objects. ServerAdd
(*args)Opens a connection to a ByteBlower server and adds it to the current API instance. ServerCount
()Returns all server connections within this API instance. ServerRemove
(inWirelessEndpoints)Prepares all the specified Wireless Endpoints. WirelessEndpointsPrepareAsync
(…)Prepares all the specified Wireless Endpoints in an asynchronious way. WirelessEndpointsStart
(inWirelessEndpoints)Starts all traffic streams and application schedules on the specified Wireless Endpoints. WirelessEndpointsStartAndWait
(…)Starts all traffic streams and application schedules on the specified Wireless Endpoints And waits until the devices are started. __init__
(*args, **kwargs)Initialize self. Attributes
The membership flag -