
class byteblowerll.byteblower.HTTPServer(*args, **kwargs)

HTTP server application that handles incoming HTTP requests with the correct URL format by returning a document of the appropriate size.

__init__(*args, **kwargs)

Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.


ClientIdentifiersGet() Returns the list of known identifiers of HTTP clients which made a connection to this server.
DescriptionGet(*args) Gets a textual description for the current object
HasSession(inServerClientId) Returns whether or not a client session exists with the given server-client-identifier.
HistorySamplingBufferLengthGet() Gets the default Sampling Buffer Length for the HTTP Session history.
HistorySamplingBufferLengthSet(inLength) Sets the default Sampling Buffer Length for the HTTP Session history.
HistorySamplingIntervalDurationGet() Gets the default Sampling interval for the HTTP Session history.
HistorySamplingIntervalDurationSet(inDuration) Sets the default Sampling interval for the HTTP Session history.
HttpSessionInfoGet(inServerClientId) Returns the HTTPSessionInfo from this session.
MaximumSegmentSizeGet() Returns the configured TCP maximum segment size.
MaximumSegmentSizeSet(inValue) Sets the TCP maximum segment size.
ParentGet() Returns the parent object.
PortGet() Returns the configured TCP port for the HTTP server.
PortSet(inPort) Configures the TCP port on which the HTTP server will listen.
ReceiveWindowInitialSizeGet() Gets the initial receive window for the server.
ReceiveWindowInitialSizeSet(inValue) Sets the initial receive window for the server.
ReceiveWindowScalingEnable(inWindowScaling) Enables of disables windowscaling.
ReceiveWindowScalingIsEnabled() Returns if window scaling is enabled or not.
ReceiveWindowScalingValueGet() Returns the current receive window scale.
ReceiveWindowScalingValueSet(inRcvWindowScale) Configures the window scale which will be used for new clients.
Refresh() Retrieves the latest data from the server for this object.
SlowStartThresholdGet() Returns the initial slow-start threshold value used by TCP.
SlowStartThresholdSet(inValue) Set the initial slow-start threshold value used by TCP.
Start() Starts the HTTP server on the configured port with the configured configuration.
StatusGet() Returns the HTTP server status.
Stop() Stops the HTTP server.
TcpCongestionAvoidanceAlgorithmGet() Gets the current configured TCP Congestion Avoidance Algorithm for new clients.
TcpCongestionAvoidanceAlgorithmSet(inValue) Selects the TCP Congestion Avoidance Algorithm.
TcpHistorySamplingBufferLengthGet() Gets the default Sampling Buffer Length for the TCP Session history.
TcpHistorySamplingBufferLengthSet(inLength) Sets the default Sampling Buffer Length for the TCP Session history.
TcpHistorySamplingIntervalDurationGet() Gets the default Sampling interval for the TCP Session history.
TcpHistorySamplingIntervalDurationSet(inDuration) Sets the default Sampling interval for the TCP Session history.
__init__(*args, **kwargs) Initialize self.


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