
class byteblowerll.byteblower.HTTPResultData(*args, **kwargs)

Contains the HTTP result counters.

__init__(*args, **kwargs)

Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.


AverageDataSpeedGet() Rate in bytes per seconds of the data transferred.
DescriptionGet(*args) Gets a textual description for the current object
IntervalDurationGet() Returns the duration of this interval in nanoseconds.
ParentGet() Returns the parent object.
Refresh() Retrieves the latest data from the server for this object.
RxByteCountHeaderGet() The size of the received HTTPheader in bytes.
RxByteCountPayloadGet() The size of the received HTTP Payload in bytes.
RxByteCountRateGet() Rate in bytes per seconds of the data received.
RxByteCountTotalGet() Total of bytes received.
RxTimestampFirstGet() Timestamp (in nanoseconds) of first received packet.
RxTimestampLastGet() Timestamp (in nanoseconds) of last received packet.
TimestampGet() Gets the snapshot timestamp [NS].
TxByteCountHeaderGet() The size of the transmitted HTTPHeader in bytes.
TxByteCountPayloadGet() The size of the transmitted HTTPPayload in bytes.
TxByteCountRateGet() Rate in bytes per seconds of the data sent.
TxByteCountTotalGet() Total of transmitted bytes.
TxTimestampFirstGet() Timestamp (in nanoseconds) of first transmitted packet.
TxTimestampLastGet() Timestamp (in nanoseconds) of last transmitted packet.
__init__(*args, **kwargs) Initialize self.


thisown The membership flag