
class byteblowerll.byteblower.HTTPClientMobile(*args, **kwargs)

HTTP client application that may schedule HTTP requests to the HTTP server application.

New in version 2.6.0.

Using this class, you can simulate TCP (Transmission Control Protocol) traffic The TCP is simulated by a HTML request to the HTTPServer. This is the HttpClient that will perform the GET or the PUT. This request can be sent to the HTTPServer object


Standard usage of the HTTPClient for WirelessEndpoints
http_client = wireless_endpoint.ProtocolHttpClientAdd()

# configure the HTTP server to talk with

# we want a session of 10 seconds
nanoseconds_per_second = 1 * 1000 * 1000 * 1000
http_client.RequestDurationSet(10 * nanoseconds_per_second)

# we do not want to start immediately
http_client.RequestInitialTimeToWaitSet(1 * nanoseconds_per_second)

# we want the client to restart if the connection is broken
# e.g. when the access point restarts

# start the wireless endpoint 
__init__(*args, **kwargs)

Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.


ClientIdGet() Returns the unique client ID.
DescriptionGet(*args) Gets a textual description for the current object
HttpMethodGet() Returns the used HTTPRequest method.
HttpMethodSet(*args) Configures the HTTPRequest method to be used.
LocalPortGet() Returns the TCP the HTTPClientMobile will use to send its HTTPRequest.
LocalPortSet(inPort) Configure the TCP port for the client to use.
ParentGet() Returns the parent object.
Refresh() Retrieves the latest data from the server for this object.
RemoteAddressGet() Return the configured destination address.
RemoteAddressSet(inAddress) Configure the destination address.
RemotePortGet() Returns the configured destination port.
RemotePortSet(inRemotePort) Configure the TCP port which the client will use as destination port.
RequestDurationGet() Method which will return the configured HTTP Request duration.
RequestDurationSet(inDurationNs) Method which will configure a page to send out an HTTP Request to transmit data during a certain time.
RequestInitialTimeToWaitGet() Returns the initial time to wait before a scheduled Request starts.
RequestInitialTimeToWaitSet(inDelay) Sets the initial time to wait before really requesting a page (for a scheduled Request).
RequestRateLimitGet() Method which will return the configured rate-limit of the HTTP traffic.
RequestRateLimitSet(inRateLimitBytesps) Method which will limit the rate of the HTTP traffic to a certain amount..
RestartEnable(arg2) Let the HTTP Client try to restart the session when a connection fails.
RestartIsEnabled() Method which will return whether or not the HTTP Client will restart the session when the connection fails.
ServerClientIdGet() This method returns the combination of the server Id (aka ByteBlower Server Id) and client Id.
ServerIdGet() Returns the unique ByteBlower Server ID.
TypeOfServiceGet() Retrieves the ‘Type Of Service’ or ‘Traffic Class’ configuration of the IP layer.
TypeOfServiceSet(value) Configures the ‘Type Of Service’ or ‘Traffic Class’ used at the IP layer.
__init__(*args, **kwargs) Initialize self.


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