
class byteblowerll.byteblower.HTTPMultiClient(*args, **kwargs)

HTTPMultiClient can be used in combination with MultiServer to start multiple concurrent HTTP requests.

When starting the flow, the configured number of HTTP requests will be started. Each time a request is finished (succesfully or unsuccesfully) it will be replaced by a new request. This is repeated until one of the configured stop conditions is reached. Possible stop conditions are: total duration, total size or number of connections created. If no stop conditions are configured then the flow continues indefinitely.

Main parameters:

Number of HTTP requests to run concurrently
Total duration of the flow
Total number of bytes that may transmitted
Duration of individual requests
Number of bytes transmitted by individual requests
Maximum number of connections that may be created during the whole flow

New in version 2.10.0.

__init__(*args, **kwargs)

Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.


CumulativeConnectionLimitGet() Returns the limit on the total number of connections that may be created.
CumulativeConnectionLimitSet(value) Sets a limit on the total number of connections that may be created.
DescriptionGet(*args) Gets a textual description for the current object
DurationGet() Returns the flow duration.
DurationSet(value) Sets the maximum total duration of the flow.
FinishedGet() Returns true if the flow has finished or was stopped explicitly.
FlowLabelGet() Returns the “Flow Label” for IPv6 flows.
FlowLabelSet(value) Sets the flow label for IPv6 flows.
HttpMethodGet() Returns the HTTP request method.
HttpMethodSet(*args) Sets the HTTP request method.
InitialTimeToWaitGet() Returns the initial time to wait value.
InitialTimeToWaitSet(ns) Sets the initial time to wait before really starting the flow.
LocalPortRangeGet() Returns the port range.
LocalPortRangeSet(_from, to) Sets the local port range for the TCP connections.
MaximumConcurrentConnectionAttemptsGet() Returns the maximum number of concurrent connection attempts.
MaximumConcurrentConnectionAttemptsSet(value) Sets the maximum number of concurrent connection attempts.
MaximumConcurrentRequestsGet() Returns the maximum number of concurrent requests.
MaximumConcurrentRequestsSet(value) Sets the maximum number of concurrent requests.
MaximumSegmentSizeGet() Returns the TCP maximum segment size.
MaximumSegmentSizeSet(value) Sets the TCP maximum segment size.
ParentGet() Returns the parent object.
ReceiveWindowInitialSizeGet() Returns the TCP receive window.
ReceiveWindowInitialSizeSet(value) Sets the TCP receive window.
ReceiveWindowScalingEnable(inEnable) Enables of disables the TCP window scale option.
ReceiveWindowScalingIsEnabled() Returns if TCP window scaling is enabled or not.
ReceiveWindowScalingValueGet() Returns the TCP window scale value.
ReceiveWindowScalingValueSet(value) Sets the TCP window scale value.
Refresh() Retrieves the latest data from the server for this object.
RemoteAddressGet() Returns the remote address.
RemoteAddressSet(value) Sets the remote address for the HTTP requests.
RemotePortGet() Returns the remote port.
RemotePortSet(value) Sets the remote port for the HTTP requests.
ResultGet() Returns the current result counters.
ResultHistoryGet() Returns the result history.
SamplingBufferLengthGet() Returns the snapshot buffer length.
SamplingBufferLengthSet(value) Configure the snapshot buffer size.
SamplingIntervalDurationGet() Returns the duration for the result snapshots.
SamplingIntervalDurationSet(value) Sets the duration of the result snapshots.
SessionDurationGet() Returns the session duration expressed in nanoseconds.
SessionDurationSet(value) Sets the duration for the individual HTTP requests.
SessionRateLimitGet() Returns the rate limit for the individual HTTP requests.
SessionRateLimitSet(bytes_per_second) Sets a rate limit for the individual HTTP requests.
SessionSizeGet() Returns the session size.
SessionSizeSet(value) Sets the size for the individual HTTP requests.
SizeGet() Returns the size limit.
SizeSet(value) Puts a size limit on the total number of bytes that can be sent.
SlowStartThresholdGet() Returns the initial slow-start threshold value used by TCP.
SlowStartThresholdSet(value) Set the initial slow-start threshold value used by TCP.
Start() Starts the flow.
StatusGet() Returns the status of the flow.
Stop() Stops the flow.
TcpCongestionAvoidanceAlgorithmGet() Returns the preferred TCP Congestion Avoidance Algorithm.
TcpCongestionAvoidanceAlgorithmSet(value) Configure the preferred TCP Congestion Avoidance Algorithm.
TypeOfServiceGet() Returns the ‘Type Of Service’ or ‘Traffic Class’ value.
TypeOfServiceSet(value) Sets the ‘Type Of Service’ or ‘Traffic Class’ used at the IP layer.
__init__(*args, **kwargs) Initialize self.


thisown The membership flag