(*args, **kwargs)¶ Contains the result counters for
.http_multi_data = http_client.ResultHistoryGet().CumulativeGetByIndex(0) print(http_multi_data.TxTimestampLastGet(10000000000))
(*args, **kwargs)¶ Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.
()Returns the number of aborted TCP connection attempts. ConnectionsAttemptedGet
()Returns the number of TCP connection attempts that were initiated. ConnectionsEstablishedGet
()Returns the number of succesful TCP connection attempts that reached ESTABLISHED state. ConnectionsRefusedGet
()Returns the number of TCP connection attempts that were refused by the other side. DebugCountersGetByName
(name)Returns a list of debug counter values. DebugCountersNamesGet
()Returns a list of debug counter names. DescriptionGet
(*args)Gets a textual description for the current object FinishedGet
()Indicates whether the flow has finished. IntervalDurationGet
()Returns the snapshot duration interval in nanoseconds. ParentGet
()Returns the parent object. Refresh
()Retrieves the latest data from the server for this object. RetransmissionsGet
()Returns number of TCP retransmissions. RoundTripTimeAverageGet
(default_value)Returns average TCP round-trip time or a default value in case no round-trip samples are available. RoundTripTimeMaximumGet
(default_value)Returns maximum TCP round-trip time or a default value in case no round-trip samples are available. RoundTripTimeMinimumGet
(default_value)Returns minimum TCP round-trip time or a default value in case no round-trip samples are available. RxByteCountGet
()Returns number of received bytes. RxSpeedGet
(default_value)Returns the timestamp (in nanoseconds) of the first receieved packet or a default value in case no packets were received. RxTimestampLastGet
(default_value)Returns the timestamp (in nanoseconds) of the last receieved packet or a default value in case no packets were received. SessionsAbortedGet
()Returns the number HTTP requests that failed because they were aborted locally. SessionsFinishedGet
()Returns the number HTTP requests that finished succesfully. SessionsResetByPeerGet
()Returns the number HTTP requests that failed because a TCP RESET message was received. TcpRxByteCountGet
()Returns number of bytes received by the TCP protocol. TcpRxSegmentCountGet
()Returns number of packets received by the TCP protocol. TcpRxSpeedGet
(default_value)Returns the timestamp (in nanoseconds) of the first receieved TCP segment or a default value in case no packets were received. TcpRxTimestampLastGet
(default_value)Returns the timestamp (in nanoseconds) of the last receieved TCP segment or a default value in case no packets were received. TcpTxByteCountGet
()Returns number of bytes sent by the TCP protocol. TcpTxSegmentCountGet
()Returns number of packets sent by the TCP protocol. TcpTxSpeedGet
(default_value)Returns the timestamp (in nanoseconds) of the first transmitted TCP segment or a default value in case no packets were transmitted. TcpTxTimestampLastGet
(default_value)Returns the timestamp (in nanoseconds) of the last transmitted TCP segment or a default value in case no packets were transmitted. TimestampGet
()Gets the snapshot timestamp [NS]. TxByteCountGet
()Returns number of sent bytes. TxSpeedGet
(default_value)Returns the timestamp (in nanoseconds) of the first transmitted packet or a default value in case no packets were transmitted. TxTimestampLastGet
(default_value)Returns the timestamp (in nanoseconds) of the last transmitted packet or a default value in case no packets were transmitted. __init__
(*args, **kwargs)Initialize self. Attributes
The membership flag -