(*args, **kwargs)¶ A WirelessEndpoint is a handle to a wireless device-under-test.
New in version 2.6.0.
This example shows how to obtain a WirelessEndpoint object from a
and configure a simple trigger.Typical flow to create a trigger on a wireless endpoint¶from byteblowerll.byteblower import ByteBlower meetingpoint = ByteBlower.MeetingPointAdd('') device = meetingpoint.DeviceGet('00ff11-234-234') trigger = device.RxTriggerBasicAdd()
(*args, **kwargs)¶ Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.
()Returns the App version. CapabilityGetByName
(name)Returns a Capability object by its name. CapabilityIsSupported
(name)Checks whether a capability is supported. CapabilityListGet
()Returns a list of Capability objects. DescriptionGet
(*args)Gets a textual description for the current object DeviceIdentifierGet
()Returns device identifier. DeviceInfoGet
()Returns an object with the Wireless Endpoint DeviceInfo. HeartbeatCountGet
()Returns the number of heartbeats performed by the device. HeartbeatIntervalGet
()Returns the heartbeat interval. HeartbeatIntervalSet
(arg2)Sets the heartbeat interval. HeartbeatMaxFailcountGet
()Returns the maximum number of heartbeats that may fail before the Wireless Endpoint considers the communication broken. HeartbeatMaxFailcountSet
(arg2)Sets the maximum number of heartbeats that may fail before the Wireless Endpoint considers the communication broken. HeartbeatTimestampLastGet
()Returns the timestamp of the last received heartbeat. Lock
(arg2)Locks or unlocks the device for exclusive access. LockGet
()Indicates whether or not the device is locked. LockIsOwner
()Indicates whether or not we are the current owner of the lock. LockOwnerGet
()Returns the name of the current lock owner. LockTry
(lock, expected)Tries to lock the Wireless Endpoint. LogClear
()Clears the log messages on the device. LogGet
()Returns a string containing the device log messages. LogLevelGet
()Gets the log level on the Wireless Endpoint. LogLevelSet
(l)Sets the log level on the Wireless Endpoint. MeetingPointGet
()Returns the meetingpoint of this wireless endpoint. ParentGet
()Returns the parent object. Prepare
()Prepare the device PrepareAsync
()PrepareAsync. ProtocolHttpClientAdd
()Adds a httpClient to this mobile device. ProtocolHttpClientGet
()Returns the list of HTTP clients created on this mobile device. ProtocolHttpClientRemove
()Retrieves the latest data from the server for this object. ResultAsyncGet
()Request the results without waiting for the reply. ResultClear
()Clear the result list on the device. ResultGet
()Request the results. RxLatencyBasicAdd
()Adding a RxLatency to this mobile device. RxLatencyBasicGet
()Returns the list of latency triggers created on this mobile device. RxLatencyBasicRemove
()Creates a latency calculator, which computes latency measurements based on timestamps in received frames (possibly restricted by a filter). RxLatencyDistributionGet
()Returns the list of latency calculators created on this port. RxLatencyDistributionRemove
()Adding a RxTrigger to this mobile device. RxTriggerBasicGet
()Returns the list of receive triggers created on this mobile device. RxTriggerBasicRemove
()Returns the heartbeat interval used while running a scenario. ScenarioHeartbeatIntervalSet
(arg2)Sets the heartbeat interval to be used when a scenario is running. Start
()Start. StartAsync
()Start without waiting for confirmation. StatusGet
()Returns the device status. Stop
()Signal the Wireless Endpoint to stop the scenario. StopAsync
()Signal the Wireless Endpoint to stop the scenario, but do not wait for confirmation. TxStreamAdd
()Adding a StreamMobile
to this mobile device.TxStreamGet
()Returns the list of streams created on this mobile device. TxStreamRemove
(*args, **kwargs)Initialize self. Attributes
The membership flag -