
class byteblowerll.byteblower.TCPResultSnapshot(*args, **kwargs)

Contains TCP result counters.

You can refresh the counters by calling the TCPResultSnapshot.Refresh() method.

__init__(*args, **kwargs)

Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.


CongestionWindowCurrentGet() Returns the current TCP congestion window (CWND).
CongestionWindowMaximumGet() Returns the largest recorded TCP congestion window (CWND).
CongestionWindowMinimumGet() Returns the smallest recorded TCP congestion window (CWND).
DescriptionGet(*args) Gets a textual description for the current object
FlightSizeCurrentGet() Returns the number of bytes that are currently in-flight.
FlightSizeMaximumGet() Returns the largest recorded flight-size.
FlightSizeMinimumGet() Returns the smallest recorded flight-size.
IntervalDurationGet() Returns nanosecond duration between when result objects are created.
NumberOfFinReceivedGet() Returns the number of TCP FIN segments that have been received.
NumberOfFinSentGet() Returns the number of TCP FIN segments that have been sent.
NumberOfSynReceivedGet() Returns the number of TCP SYN segments that have been received.
NumberOfSynSentGet() Returns the number of TCP SYN segments that have been sent.
ParentGet() Returns the parent object.
ReceiverWindowCurrentGet() Returns the current TCP receiver window (RWND).
ReceiverWindowMaximumGet() Returns the largest recorded TCP receiver window (RWND).
ReceiverWindowMinimumGet() Returns the smallest recorded TCP receiver window (RWND).
Refresh() Retrieves the latest data from the server for this object.
RefreshTimestampGet() Returns the timestamp when the counters of this object where last refreshed.
RetransmissionCountFastGet() Returns the total number of fast retranmissions.
RetransmissionCountSlowGet() Returns the total number of timeout retranmissions.
RetransmissionCountTotalGet() Returns the total number of retranmissions.
RoundTripTimeCurrentGet() Returns the current round-trip time (RTT) in nanoseconds.
RoundTripTimeMaximumGet() Returns the largest recorded round-trip time (RTT) in nanoseconds.
RoundTripTimeMinimumGet() Returns the smallest recorded round-trip time (RTT) in nanoseconds.
RxByteCountHeaderGet() Returns the number of received TCP header bytes.
RxByteCountPayloadGet() Returns the number of received TCP payload bytes.
RxByteCountTotalGet() Returns the total number of bytes received on the current TCP connection.
RxSegmentCountOutOfOrderGet() Returns the number of segments that were received out of order.
RxSegmentCountTotalGet() Returns the total number of received segments.
RxTimestampLastGet() Returns a nanosecond timestamp for when this TCP connection received its last TCP segment.
SlowStartThresholdCurrentGet() Returns the current TCP slow-start threshold (SSTHRESH).
SlowStartThresholdMaximumGet() Returns the largest recorded TCP slow-start threshold (SSTHRESH).
SlowStartThresholdMinimumGet() Returns the smallest recorded TCP slow-start threshold (SSTHRESH).
TimestampEstablishedGet() Returns a nanosecond timestamp for when this TCP connection entered the established state.
TimestampFinReceivedGet() Returns a nanosecond timestamp for when this TCP connection received the TCP-FIN segment.
TimestampFinSentGet() Returns a nanosecond timestamp for when this TCP connection sent the TCP-FIN segment.
TimestampGet() Returns the nanosecond timestamp for when this result object was created.
TimestampSynReceivedGet() Returns a nanosecond timestamp for when this TCP connection received the TCP-SYN segment.
TimestampSynSentGet() Returns a nanosecond timestamp for when this TCP connection sent the TCP-SYN segment.
TxByteCountHeaderGet() Returns the number of transmitted TCP header bytes.
TxByteCountPayloadGet() Returns the number of transmitted TCP payload bytes.
TxByteCountTotalGet() Returns the total number of bytes transmitted on the current TCP connection.
TxSegmentCountTotalGet() Returns the total number of transmitted segments.
TxTimestampLastGet() Returns a nanosecond timestamp for when this TCP connection sent its last TCP segment.
__init__(*args, **kwargs) Initialize self.


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