
class byteblowerll.byteblower.IPv4Configuration(*args, **kwargs)

Provides an interface for the IPv4 configuration on a ByteBlower port.

__init__(*args, **kwargs)

Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.


DescriptionGet(*args) Gets a textual description for the current object
GatewayGet() Returns the default gateway of the ByteBlower port.
GatewaySet(inGateway) Sets the default gateway of the ByteBlower port.
IpGet() Retrieves the Ip address of the ByteBlower port.
IpSet(inIPv4Address) Sets the IP address of the ByteBlower port.
NetmaskGet() Gets the netmask of the ByteBlower port.
NetmaskSet(inNetMask) Sets the netmask of the ByteBlower port.
ParentGet() Returns the parent object.
ProtocolArp(inIPAddress) Performs MAC address resolution for a given IP address.
ProtocolArpAsync(inIPAddress) Starts MAC address resolution for a given IP address.
ProtocolDhcpGet() Returns the DHCP protocol.
ProtocolGratuitousArpReply() Sends a Gratuitous ARP (GARP) request.
ProtocolGratuitousArpRequest() Sends a Gratuitous ARP (GARP) request.
ProtocolIgmpGet() Returns the IGMP protocol.
Refresh() Retrieves the latest data from the server for this object.
Resolve(inIPAddress) Resolve the MAC address for a given IP address.
ResolveAsync(inIPAddress) Start MAC address resolution for a given destination IP address.
__init__(*args, **kwargs) Initialize self.


thisown The membership flag