
class byteblowerll.byteblower.HTTPMultiResultHistory(*args, **kwargs)

General interface for getting cumulative or interval results.

__init__(*args, **kwargs)

Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.


Clear() Clears the history.
CumulativeGet() Returns a list of available cumulative results.
CumulativeGetByIndex(index) Returns a single item of the cumulative list.
CumulativeGetByTime(timestamp) Returns a single item of the cumulative list using a timestamp nanoseconds.
CumulativeLatestGet() Returns latest closed item of the cumulative list.
CumulativeLengthGet() Returns the size of the cumulative list.
DescriptionGet(*args) Gets a textual description for the current object
IntervalGet() Returns a list of available interval results.
IntervalGetByIndex(index) Returns a single item of the interval list.
IntervalGetByTime(timestamp) Returns a single item of the interval list using a timestamp in nanoseconds.
IntervalLatestGet() Returns the latest closed item of the interval list.
IntervalLengthGet() Returns the size of the interval list.
ParentGet() Returns the parent object.
Refresh() Retrieves the latest data from the server for this object.
RefreshTimestampGet() RefreshTimestampGet.
__init__(*args, **kwargs) Initialize self.


thisown The membership flag