(*args, **kwargs)¶ A StreamMobile object configures a stream of frames that will be transmitted by a WirelessEndpoint.
The StreamMobile object allows you to add frame objects (
) and configure parameters like the number of frames that will be transmitted, the inter-frame gap and the initial time to wait before transmission.New in version 2.6.0.
Typical usage flow¶frame_size = 1000 # bytes stream = wirelessEndpoint.TxStreamAdd() stream.NumberOfFramesSet(100) # Transmit at 10 frames per second, which is 100 milliseconds per frame stream.InterFrameGapSet(10000000) stream.DestinationAddressSet('') stream.DestinationPortSet(4000) stream.SourcePortSet(4001) # Add a frame frame = stream.FrameAdd() # ... configure the frame, see FrameMobile documentation for this.
(*args, **kwargs)¶ Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.
(*args)Gets a textual description for the current object DestinationAddressGet
()Returns the destination address in the IP header of the frames that will be transmitted. DestinationAddressSet
(inAddress)Sets the destination address in the IP header of the frames that will be transmitted. DestinationPortGet
()Returns the destination port in the UDP header of the frames that will be transmitted. DestinationPortSet
(inDestinationPort)Sets the destination port in the UDP header of the frames that will be transmitted. FrameAdd
()Adds a frame to the stream. FrameDestroy
()Returns list of frames on this stream. InitialTimeToWaitGet
()Returns the time to wait before the first frame will be sent. InitialTimeToWaitSet
(initTimeToWait)Sets a delay before sending the first frame. InterFrameGapGet
()Returns the inter-frame gap for the stream. InterFrameGapSet
(interFrameGap)Sets the inter-frame gap for the stream. NumberOfFramesGet
()Returns the number of frames that will be transmitted by a stream. NumberOfFramesSet
(nof)Sets the number of frames sent by a stream. ParentGet
()Returns the parent object. Refresh
()Retrieves the latest data from the server for this object. ResultClear
()Clears the results. ResultGet
()Returns the current result counters. ResultHistoryGet
()Returns the current History counters. SourcePortGet
()Returns the source port in the UDP header of the frames that will be transmitted. SourcePortSet
(inPort)Sets the source port in the UDP header of the frames that will be transmitted. TypeOfServiceGet
()Returns the type-of-service field (or TOS bits) in the IP header of the frames that will be transmitted. TypeOfServiceSet
(inTos)Sets the type-of-service field (or TOS bits) in the IP header of the frames that will be transmitted. __init__
(*args, **kwargs)Initialize self. Attributes
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