
class byteblowerll.byteblower.TriggerSizeDistribution(*args, **kwargs)

Receive-side packet processor which counts the incoming frames, frame rate and frames per size, matching a filter.

The size distribution trigger extends the basic trigger. It provides additional information like total number of bytes and frame rate. See ResultGet() for more information.

This trigger is always active and starts counting frames as soon as it is created. Counting continues until the trigger is destructed.


The initial (empty) filter string accepts all incoming frames. See FilterSet() for filtering information.

A size distribution trigger object can be created via a ByteBlowerPort, using ByteBlowerPort.RxTriggerSizeDistributionAdd()

This trigger processes frames received on the ByteBlower interface where its parent ByteBlowerPort is located.


Receive all frames on “trunk-1-2” of some server, matching UDP source or destination port 49576.

trig = port.RxTriggerSizeDistributionAdd()
trig.FilterSet('ip && dst port 49576')
__init__(*args, **kwargs)

Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.


DescriptionGet(*args) Gets a textual description for the current object
FilterGet() Returns the current installed BPF filter string.
FilterSet(inFilter) Sets a BPF filter on a RX object.
ParentGet() Returns the parent object.
Refresh() Retrieves the latest data from the server for this object.
ResultClear() Resets the counter values to zero.
ResultGet() Returns the TriggerSizeDistributionResultSnapshot for this trigger containing the current result counters.
__init__(*args, **kwargs) Initialize self.


thisown The membership flag